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Theory is the “workings” behind how something works. It is the explanation of the parts that come together to make something special. There are theories behind the application of problems. There are theories that attempt to explain how things exist. Theories range from the explanation of a simple math problem to attempts to explain the universe. No matter what subject you study there is a theory. Even subjects like arts (fine art, dance, and acting) have theory about methods that have proven to be successful.

But how does a person make or add to theories. Usually it occurs naturally from just working in their area of choice. Just by studying, building, or performing, knowledge and new ideas emerge. The only thing you, the discoverer, have to do is find a way of recording and sharing your ideas with others. It is import to have a journal to keep ideas. It is imperative that ideas and solutions are document on paper or computer.

But as the discoverer of new theories, a person is usually trying to explain something that no one fully understands. They look to find what hasn’t been tried before. They want to explain something that doesn’t have an easy answer. They want to find the anser that something that was never really fully explained. Theories like these include attempts, but are not limited to, to explain the universe, explain life, or create a unified theory of physics.


So now the question is “How do I make my own theory?” In fact we should be inclined to create our own theories and techniques in every day life. But this exercise will be just for fun. Step 1 will be to find a question or problem that requires a solution or creative explanation. This should be relatively easy, but may take awhile if you are trying to be more creative. Remember this example is only for fun and can be as serious as you want.

For my example I choose a physics problem that I planned to use in a sci-fi story. I choose to explain light and solids. My theory is how solids can move as light and light can be turned into a solid. Obviously, I don’t have all the knowledge that goes into this theory, but I just wanted to make a theory that a good story could be based on.

Step 2 is to imagine how you would solve the problem. Don’t read about the subject yet. List and record all your ideas. How long you spend depends on how complex the problem is and the quality of ideas you create. It is your judgement.

Step 3 is to research the problem while paying close attention to answers that relate to the ideas you have. This can be time consuming. It can be difficult finding the right sources.

Step 4 is going back to the drawing board and reexplore the options. This is where the math problems are done. You must throughly work out the solution to the problem. And you must document the theory.

Step 5 is testing your theory or building a prototype. You can not always do this. So maybe your problem is explainable mathematically or graphically. Maybe you can find a theory that already exist and so a relationship of why your theory works.

But if you just are having fun like in a classroom ignore the steps and concentrate steps 1 and 2. If you are in grades K-3 just have a group brainstorming session just to see what creative ideas are found. Higher grades could write a one page paper.


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